Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Training and Development on the Rural Areas Electricity Company Essay

Training and Development on the boorish Areas Electricity Company - Essay Example..SignDate.. Declaration by the Principal yell..Sign.Date DEDICATION This research project is dedicated to the creator, the almighty Jehovah god who gave me the gift of knowledge, courage, perseverance and bang-up health throughout the period I have worked on this program. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First is to thank God for giving me wisdom and courage of taking me through the entire process of developing the research project, for His lenity and guidance through my academic life. I want to acknowledge the patience and the steady advice and support of my supervisor. I would also like to offer individual thanks to my family and friends. ABSTRACT country-style Areas Electricity Company (RAECO) is an electricity company tasked with generating, transmitting, distributing, supplying electricity and desalination activities in Oman. The vision of Rural Areas Electricity Company involves providing bell effective el ectric power to all the remote areas in Oman. The missions of this company include supply of real electricity and potable water to customers at the lowest costs, provision of employment opportunities to Oman citizens and maintenance of environmental saving standards in its operations. To this effect, the judicial bringing up institute which has the mandate to promote effective nurture of judges, magistrates and judicial staff, has everyplace the years conducted and continue to provide training to judges, magistrates and judicial staff to build their capacity to perform their functions effectively. To take on the vision and mission statements, Rural Areas Electricity Company has an obligation to endorse effective training and schooling of its employees. Over the years, RAECO has carried out training and development programs of its employees of all layers. Despite the huge investing in training and development programs, challenges still there as shown by the constant electrici ty black outs, the delays in responding to customer requests and the constant need for upgrading the skills of the employees. This research study seeks to establish the impact on investing in employee training and development. The researcher used primary and secondary sources for the purposed of this researcher. The research findings showed that the training and development carried out by Rural Areas Electricity Company were insufficiently frequent. The research project further recommended that the details of training programs and the approach of rescue to be considered before undertaking a training and development program. Employee training and development offered by Rural Areas Electricity Company should lead to a deeper understanding of the objectives and goals of the employees and the frequency of external training programs should be increase to enhance employee performance at work for Rural Areas Electricity Company. DECLARATION ii DEDICATION tierce ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRAC T v LIST OF TABLES ix mesa 1 covering resolution rate 44 x Table 2 46 x showing Gender 46 x Table 3 showing experience in the plaque 48 x Table 4 showing Knowledge of Training and Development 50 x Table 5 showing whether training program fulfils employee needs 51 x Table 6 indicating the effect of work efforts on work performance 53 x Table 7 showing response on whether the organization supported employee rights 55 x Table 8 showing response

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